3GR | 3GR (Third Gear) |
4GR | 4GR (Fourth Gear) |
4WD | Four wheel drive |
4WS | Four wheel steering |
A | Amperes |
A/C | Air Conditioning |
A/CL BIMET | Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor |
A/CL DV | Air Cleaner Duct and Valve Vacuum Motor |
A/D | Analogue to Digital Converter |
A/F | Air Fuel Ratio |
A/T | Automatic Transmission |
A4R70W | Automatic Overdrive Electronic Wide Ration Transmission |
AAC | Auxiliary Air Control Valve |
AAT | Ambient Air Temperature |
AAV | Anti After burn Valve |
ABCV | Airbleed Control Valve (Ford) |
ABS | Antilock Brake System |
ABSV | Air Bypass Solenoid Valve (Mazda) |
ABV | Air Bypass Valve |
AC | Alternating Current |
ACC | Air Conditioning Clutch |
ACC | Automatic Climate Control |
ACCS | A/C Cycling Clutch Switch |
ACD | Air Conditioning Demand Switch |
ACL | Air Cleaner (Thermostatic Type) |
ACM | Air Bag Control Module |
ACON | Air Conditioning On Signal |
ACP | Air Conditioning Pressure Signal |
ACPSW | Air Conditioning Pressure Switch |
ACR | Air Conditioning Relay |
ACR4 | Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Recovery, Recycling, Recharging |
ACT | Air Charge Temperature |
ACTS | Air Charge Temperature Sensor |
ADS | Auxiliary Discriminating Sensor |
ACV | Air Control Valve |
ADU | Analog Digital Unit |
AECM | Air Bag Electronic Control Module |
AFC | Air Flow Control |
AFM | Air Flow Meter |
AFM | Air Flow Meter |
AFR | Air Fuel Ratio |
AFS | Air Flow Sensor |
AIR | Air Injection Reactor (Secondary Air Injection System) |
AIRB | Secondary Air Injection Bypass |
AIRD | Secondary Air Injection Diverter |
AIS | Automatic Idle Speed |
AIV | Air Injection Valve |
ALC | Automatic Level Control |
ALCL | Assembly Line Communications Link (GM) |
ALDL | Assembly Line Data Link |
ALT | Alternator (replaced with GEN) |
AM1 | Air Management 1, AIR Bypass |
AM2 | Air Management 2, AIR Diverter |
AMB | Ambient |
AOD | Automatic Overdrive |
AODE | Automatic Overdrive Electronic Transmission |
AODE-W | Automatic Overdrive Electronic Wide (ratio transmission) |
AP | Accelerator Pedal |
APC | Automatic Performance Control |
APP | Accelerator Pedal Position |
APS | Absolute Pressure Sensor |
APS | Atmospheric Pressure Sensor |
APT | Adjustable part Throttle |
ARS | Automatic Restraint System |
ASARC | Air Suspension Automatic Ride Control |
ASD | Automatic Shutdown Relay |
ASDM | Airbag System Diagnostic Module |
ASE | Automotive Service Excellence |
ASM | Acceleration Simulation Mode |
ASR | Automatic Slip Regulation |
ATC | Automatic Temperature Control |
ATDC | After Top Dead Centre |
ATF | Automatic Transmission Fluid |
ATM | Actuator Test Mode |
ATS | Air Temperature Sensor |
ATX | Automatic Transaxle |
AVOM | Analog Volt / Ohm Meter |
AWD | All Wheel Drive |
AX4S | Automatic 4 Speed Trans. |
AXOD | Automatic Overdrive Transaxle |
AXOD-E | Automatic Overdrive Transaxle - Electronically Controlled |
B/MAP | Barometric/Manifold Absolute Pressure |
B+ | Battery Positive Voltage |
BAC | Bypass Air Control Valve |
BAP | Barometric Atmosphere Pressure |
BARO | Barometric Pressure |
BAT | Battery |
BBDC | Before bottom dead centre |
BBL | Barrel |
BC | Blower Control |
BCM | Body Control Module |
BDC | bottom dead centre |
BHP | Brake Horse Power |
BHS | Bimetal Heat Sensor (Ford) |
BID | Breaker less Inductive Discharge (AMC) |
BLM | Block Learn Multiplier (replaced with LT FUEL TRIM) |
BMAP | Barometric/Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor |
BOB | Breakout Box |
BOO | Brake On / Off Switch |
BP | Barometric Pressure |
BPA | Mechanical Bypass Air |
BPCSV | Bypass Control Solenoid Valve |
BPP | Brake Pedal Position |
BPS | Back Pressure Sensor |
BPT | Back Pressure Transducer |
BPV | Bypass Valve (Ford) |
BPW | Brake Pulse Width |
BSV | Backfire Suppressor (Ford) |
BTDC | Before Top Dead Center |
BTS | Battery Temperature Sensor |
BTSI | Brake Transmission Shift Interlock |
BTU | British Thermal Unit |
BUS N | Bus Negative |
BUS P | Bus Positive |
BV | Bowl Vent Port (Ford) |
BVSV | Bi-Metal Vent Control Valve |
BVT | Backpressure Variable Transducer |
C | Carbon |
C | Celsius |
C.A.R.B. | California Air Resource Board |
C3I | Computer Controlled Coil Ignition |
CAC | CAC (Charge Air Cooler) After Cooler Charge Air Cooler Inter Cooler |
CALPAK | Calibration Pack |
CAN | Controller Area Network |
CANP | Canister Purge Solenoid Valve EVAP |
CARB | Carburetor |
CARB | California Air Resources Board |
CAS | Crank Angle Sensor |
CASE | Cranking Angle Sensing Error |
CAT | Catalytic Converter |
CBD | Closed Bowl Distributor |
CC | Catalytic Converter |
CC | Climate Control |
CC | Cruise Control |
CCA | Centre Control Assembly |
CCC | Computer Command Control System (GM) |
CCC | Converter Clutch Control Solenoid |
CCCI | Computer Controlled Coil Ignition |
CCD | Computer Controlled Dwell |
CCDIC | Climate Control Driver Information Centre |
CCECS | Computer Controlled Emission Control System |
CCEI | Coolant Controlled Idle Enrichment (Chrysler) |
CCEV | Coolant Controlled Engine Vacuum Switch (Chrysler) |
CCM | Central Control Module |
CCM | Continuous Component Monitor |
CCO | Converter Clutch Overdrive Solenoid |
CCOT | Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube |
CCP | Climate Control Panel |
CCRM | Constant Control Relay Module |
CCRM | Constant Control Relay Module |
CCS | Coast Clutch Solenoid |
CCSP | Carbon Canister Storage/Purge |
CCV | Canister Control Valve |
CDCV | Canister Drain Cut Valve |
CDI | Capacitor Discharge Ignition |
CDR | Chrysler Diagnostic Readout |
CDRV | Crankcase Depression Regulator Valve |
CE | Commutate End |
CEAB | Cold Engine Air Bleed |
CEC | Crankcase Emission Control System (Honda) |
CEC | Computerized Emission Control System |
CECU | Central Electronic Control Unit (Nissan) |
CEL | Check Engine Light |
CER | Cold Enrichment Rod (Ford) |
CES | Clutch Engage Switch |
CESS | Cold Engine Sensor Switch |
CFC | Chlorofluorocarbons |
CFI | Central Fuel Injection |
CFI | Continuous Fuel Injection |
CFM | Cubic Feet Per Minute |
CFRM | Condenser Fan Relay Module |
CFV | Critical Flow Venture |
CHM | Cold Mixture Heater |
CID | Cubic Inch Displacement |
CID | Cylinder Identification Signal |
CIM | Column Integration Module |
CIS | Continuous Injection System (Bosch) |
CKP | Crankshaft Position Sensor |
CKP REF | Crankshaft Position Reference |
CKT | Circuit |
CL | Closed Loop |
CLC | Converter Lockup Clutch (replaced with TCC) |
CLCC | Closed Loop Carburetor Control |
CLECS | Closed Loop Emission Control System |
CLFCS | Closed Loop Fuel Control System |
CLNT | Coolant |
CLV | Calculated Load Value |
CMFI | Central Multiport Fuel Injection |
CMP | Camshaft Position Sensor |
CMP REF | Camshaft Position Reference |
CMTC | Compass/Mini Trip Computer |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
CO | Carbon Monoxide |
CO2 | Carbon Dioxide |
COC | Conventional Oxidation Catalyst (Ford) |
COP | Coil On Plug Electronic Ignition |
CP | Canister Purge (GM) |
CPA | Connector Position Assurance |
CPI | Central Port Fuel Injection |
CPP | Clutch Pedal Position |
CPS | Central Power Supply |
CPSOV | Canister Purge Shut Off Valve (Ford) |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CRK | Cranking Signal |
CRT. | circuit |
CSC | Coolant Spark Control (Ford) |
CSE GND | PCM Case Ground |
CSF | Crankshaft Speed Fluctuation |
CSFI | Central Sequential Fuel Injection |
CSSA | Cold Start Spark Advance System (Ford) |
CSSH | Cold Start Spark Hold System (Ford) |
CTAV | Cold Temperature Actuated Vacuum Switch (Ford) |
CTM | Central Timer Module |
CTO | Clean Tachometer Output |
CTOX | Continuous Trap Oxidizer |
CTP | Closed Throttle Position |
CTS | Coolant Temperature Sensor |
CTVS | Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch |
CV | Constant Velocity |
CV | Control Valve |
CVCC | Compound Vortex Controlled Combustion System (Honda) |
CVR | Control Vacuum Regulator (Ford) |
CVS | Constant Volume Sampler |
CVVT | Continuous Variable Valve Timing |
DAB | Delayed Accessory Bus |
dB | Decibels |
DBW | Drive-By-Wire |
DC | Direct Current |
DC | Duty Cycle |
DCISCA | DC Motor Idle Speed Actuator |
DCL | Data Communication Link |
DDL | Diagnostic Data Link |
DEC | Digital Electronic Controller |
DEC | Diesel Engine Control |
DEFI | Digital Electronic Fuel Injection |
DEPS | Digital Engine Position Sensor |
DERM | Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module |
DFCO | Diesel Fuel Cut-off Mode |
DFI | Direct Fuel Injection |
DFS | Deceleration Fuel Shut-off |
DI | Direct Ignition |
DIC | Driver Information Center |
DICM | Distributor Ignition Control Module |
DIS | Distributorless Ignition System |
DLC | Data Link Connector |
DM | Drive Motor |
DMCM | Drive Motor Control Module |
DMCT | Drive Motor Coolant Temperature |
DME | Digital Motor Electronics |
DMIVA | Distributor Mounted Ignition Vacuum Advance |
DMPI Module | Drive Motor Power Inverter Module |
DMS | Distributor Modulator System |
DOHC | Double Overhead Camshaft |
DOL | Data Output Line to IPC |
DPC | Dynamic Pressure Control |
DPF | Diesel Particulate Filter |
DPFE | Differential Pressure Feedback EGR |
DPI | Dual Plug Ignition |
DRB | Diagnostic Readout Box |
DRCV | Distributor Retard Control Valve |
DRL | Daytime Running Lights |
DSAS | Deceleration Spark Advance System |
DSO | Digital Storage Oscilloscope |
DSR | Ford Diagnostic Subroutine |
DSS | Downshift Solenoid |
DSSA | Dual Signal Spark Advance (Ford) |
DSV | Deceleration Solenoid Valve |
DTC | Diagnostic Trouble Code |
DTC FRZ | Diagnostic Trouble Code Freeze Frame |
DTM | Diagnostic Test Mode |
DTVS | Dual Temperature Vacuum Switch |
DV | Delay Valve |
DVAC | Distributor Vacuum Advance Control Valve |
DVDSV | Differential Vacuum Delay and Separator Valve |
DVOM | Digital Volt Ohmmeter |
DV | TW- Relay Valve Two Way |
DVVV | Distributor Vacuum Vent Valve |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
E4OD | Electronic 4-Speed Overdrive |
EAC | Electronic Air Control (replaced with AIR) |
EACV | Electronic Air Control Valve |
EAIR | Electronic Secondary Air Injection |
EAT | Electronically Controlled Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission |
EBCM | Electronic Brake Control Module |
EBL | Electric Back Lite (Rear Window Defroster) |
EBM | Electronic Body Module |
EBP | Exhaust Back :Pressure |
EBTCM | Electronic Brake T/C Module |
EC | Engine Control |
ECA | Electronic Control Assembly |
ECC | Electronic Climate Control |
ECCS | Electronic Concentrated Control System |
ECI | Extended Compressor at Idle |
ECIT | Electronic Control Ignition Timing |
ECITS | Electronic Control Ignition Timing System |
ECL | Engine Coolant Level |
ECM | Engine Control Module |
ECS | Emission Control System |
ECT | Engine Coolant Temperature |
ECU | Electronic Control Unit |
EDF | Electro Drive Fan |
EDFI | Electronic Diesel Fuel Injection |
EDI | Electronic Controlled Direct Ignition System |
EDIS | Electronic Distributorless Ignition System |
EDL | Engine Data Line |
EDM | Electronic Distributor Modulator (Ford) |
EEC | Electronic Engine Control (Ford) |
EECS | Evaporative Emission Control System |
EEGR | Electronic EGR (Solenoid) |
EEGR Monitor | Electronic EGR Test |
EEPROM | Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EESS | Evaporative Emission Shed System (Ford) |
EET | Electronic EGR Transducer |
EEVIR | Evaporator Equalized Values in Receiver |
EFC | Electronic Fuel Control |
EFCA | Electronic Fuel Control Assembly |
EFE | Early Fuel Evaporation |
EFI | Electronic Fuel Injection |
EFT | Engine Fuel Temperature |
EFV | Early Fuel Evaporation |
EGC | Exhaust Gas Check Valve |
EGO | Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor |
EGR | Exhaust Gas Recirculation |
EGR Monitor | OBDII EGR Test |
EGR TVV | Exhaust Gas Recirculation Thermal Vacuum Valve |
EGRB | EGR Boost Sensor |
EGRC | EGR Control Solenoid (Ford) |
EGRC-BPT | EGR Control Back Pressure Transducer |
EGRPS | EGR Valve Position Sensor |
EGRT | Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature |
EGRV | Exhaust Gas Recirculation Vent Solenoid |
EH | Electro Hydraulic |
EI | Integrated Electronic Ignition System |
ELC | Electronic Level Control |
ELCD | Evaporative Loss Control Device |
EM | Engine Modification |
EMB | Electromagnetic Brakes |
EMF | Electromagnetic Field |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
EMR | Electronic Module Retard |
EOBD | European On Board Diagnostics |
EOP | Engine Oil Pressure |
EOS | Exhaust Oxygen Sensor |
EOT | Engine Oil Temperature |
EP | Exhaust Pressure |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPC | Electronic Pressure Control |
EPOS | EGR Valve Position Sensor |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EPT | EGR Pressure Transducer (replaced with PFE) |
ESA | Electronic Spark Advance (Chrysler) |
ESC | Electronic Spark Control System |
ESD | Electrostatic Discharge |
ESS | Engine Speed Sensor |
EST | Electronic Spark Timing |
ETC | Electronic Temperature Control |
ETP | EGR Pressure Transducer |
ETR | Electronically Tuned Receiver |
EVAP | Evaporative Emissions System |
EVAP CP | Evaporative Canister Purge |
EVAP CV | Evaporative Emissions System Canister Vent |
EVIC | Electronic Vehicle Information Center |
EVO | Electronic Vehicle Orifice |
EVP | EGR Valve Position Sensor |
EVR | EGR Vacuum Regulator |
EVSV | Electronic Vacuum Switching Valve |
EWL | Engine Warning Lamp |
F | Fahrenheit |
F4WD | Full Time Four Wheel Drive |
FAN | Cooling Fan (Low or High Speed) |
FBC | Feedback Carburetor |
FBCA | Feedback Carburetor Actuator |
FC | Fan Control |
FCA | Fuel Control Assembly (Chrysler) |
FCS | Fuel Control Solenoid |
FDBK | Feedback |
FDC | Fuel Deceleration Valve |
FDV | Fuel Decal Valve |
FEEPROM | Flash Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
FF | Flexible Fuel |
FI | Fuel Injector |
FIC | Fast Idle Control |
FICD | Fast Idle Control Device |
FIPL | Fuel Injection Pump Lever |
FLC | Fluid Lock-up Converter (Ford) |
FLS | Fluid Level Sensor |
FM | Fan Motor Program in PCM |
FMEM | Failure Mode Effect Management |
FOM | Fix Operating Mode (Limp Mode) |
FP | Fuel Pump |
FPCM | Fuel Injection Pump Control Module |
FPM | Fuel Pump Monitor (in PCM) |
FPRC | Fuel Pump Regulator Control |
FRP | Fuel Rail Pressure |
FRT | Fuel Rail Temperature |
FRZ | Freeze Frame |
FT | Fuel Trim; Adaptive Fuel Strategy |
ft.lb. | Foot Pound |
FTL | Fuel Tank Level Sensor |
FTO | Filtered Tachometer Output |
FTP | Fuel Tank Pressure |
FTT | Fuel Tank Temperature |
FWD | Front Wheel Drive |
g/sec | Grams per Second |
GAL | Gallon |
GCM | Governor Control Module |
GCW | Gross Combination Weight |
GDC | Fuel Data Centre |
GDI | Gasoline Direct Injection |
GEM | Generic Electronic Module |
GND | Electrical Ground Connection |
GPC | Glow Plug Control |
GPL | Glow Plug Wait Lamp |
GPM | Grams Per Mile |
GPR | Glow Plug Relay |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GST | Generic Scan Tool |
GVW | Gross Vehicle Weight |
GVWR | Gross Vehicle Weight Rating |